There are precious few traditional couples left in town, and one of them, who have become friends of the store, have rushed in excitedly.
“I just bought two one-way tickets to Texas” he exclaims in a semi-apologetic tone; but he’s obviously much more excited than regretful. They are quite probably, present company excepted, the last remaining moralistic young people with means who have not vacated the area.
“Bon voyage!” I say.
Meanwhile we have sold out of fly repellent and fly paper, as the Southie crops have sprouted and are attracting all sorts of flies (or, moscas).
Most everyone I used to know no longer talks to me except for my friend Koren, who was one of my first friends in town. We were born on the same day and have known each other for at least 15 years.
We arrange to meet up but she, of course, insists on meeting outside.
Much to my surprise, she has bought into the mass psychosis and is wearing her mask outside—despite it being around 90 degrees. “Are you going to keep your mask on?” I ask as we sit down, six feet away from each other, to talk.
“I like wearing a mask,” she says.
A lot of leftists are like this, in fact. Many folks who, even today, still wear a mask do so because they get a sexual arousal from it…
Yes, really.
Addendum: This would be the last time most all of my old friends would talk to me.
For years and years I had collaborated with a dedicated team to design music events.
We had gotten so large as to create a massive, city-wide music festival that included any and all sorts of music. We even had a dedicated day from a Mayoral proclamation.
Don’t believe me? Here I am “dropping the beat” with the Thug in Charge Mayor (“DJ Marty-Mart”):
Here is a picture of the poster that year, at what I believed was our most successful year:
I mean, that line-up is AMAZING. Tensnake? Mos Def? Sunburned Hand of the Man? Robert Hood? Numero Group? KFW? All at the same event? WH-AT?
But alas, I had woken up from my climate change hoax-driven delusion and they had not.
I had a “Great Awakening” (like millions around the world have) and I have discovered that without a Christ-focused mentality (aka Logos) your life wilts towards meaninglessness and objective/relative madness.
So, it being the only job I could find, the hardware store had become my focus just in time for the mass psychosis to descend.
And I truly found enjoyment in it.
They say “service is a form of worship” and, with the churches closed, it became a kind of mission of mine to help the good people of South Boston.
(Not that any church in Boston would have helped, as they are all woke too.)